Three out of four of the UK - based trustees of the charity have been to Benin, met the children, seen the charity in action.  The fourth is an African education specialist, who has spent many years living in Africa and experiencing the challenges of education there first hand. 


What we saw inspired us to help. 


There are no overheads, administration costs or expenses.  Everything we get, we send.   


And we keep an expert eye on how the money is spent. We have sister groups of supporters in Australia and the United States, both with the same ethos, so you’re joining a successful, highly targeted charity helping people in real need, who help themselves and each other.

Who we are

We are a small group of charity trustees determined to help APEED-Benin keep kids in school in Parakou, Benin.  Two UK Trustees have lived in Africa and two others have visited APEED-Benin recently. 

We are all amazed at the epic self-help work they do with so few few resources, led by the charismatic volunteer Barthelemy Sodansou (listen to his story here).